My Lessons in Life By Azim Premji

Azim Premji, Chairman and Managing Director, Wipro Limited, shares his perspective on success and effective living with teenagers.

The first thing I have learnt is that we must always begin with our strengths.

The second lesson I have learnt is that a Rupee earned is of far more value then five found.

The third lesson I have learnt is that no one bats a hundred every time. Life has many challenges. You win some and lose some. You must enjoy winning.

The fourth lesson I have learnt is the importance of humility.

The fifth lesson I learnt is that we must always strive for excellence.

The sixth lesson I have learnt is never give up in the face of adversity.

The seven lesson 1 have learnt is that while you must be open to change, & do not compromise on your values.

And the final lesson learnt is that we must have faith in our own ideas even if everyone tells us that we are wrong.

For complete lessons with example by Azim Premji. please check below image.

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